



Navigating the pain of negative memories can be difficult. Sometimes, getting help to move through the process is a necessary process. Look no further than Sharron Frederick, LCSW, Jennifer Hoskins-Tomko, LSCW, EMDR, and Allyson Cussen, LCSW, and the rest of the team at Clarity Health Solutions in Jupiter, Florida. They provide EMDR, or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, to help patients process painful memories and dissipate their negative impact. To learn more about this treatment, call or book an appointment online. The team offers telehealth, as well.

What is EMDR?

EMDR, or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, is a specialized and highly effective form of psychotherapy designed to help you process traumatic memories and reduce their emotional impact. If you've experienced distressing events or disturbing life experiences, EMDR can play a vital role in your healing journey.

What conditions does EMDR treat?

EMDR is primarily used to treat conditions related to trauma and its aftermath. It's particularly effective if you’ve experienced events that continue to haunt you or cause emotional distress, anxiety, or flashbacks. 

This therapy is often used to address conditions like PTSD, but it can also be beneficial if you’re struggling with the psychological consequences of various traumas, including childhood abuse, accidents, and violent experiences.

How does EMDR work?

EMDR is an integrative therapy approach that combines elements of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) with bilateral stimulation, which can involve guided eye movements, tapping, or auditory cues. Your Clarity Health Solutions therapist walks you through the process with nurture while you work through negative beliefs and feelings.

EMDR typically consists of several key phases, including:

History and treatment planning

During this phase, you work with your EMDR therapist to identify the specific memories or experiences causing distress. Next, a treatment plan is tailored to your needs.


Your therapist helps you learn relaxation and grounding techniques to ensure you're emotionally ready to tackle the traumatic memories.


During this phase, you focus on the traumatic memories while engaging in bilateral stimulation, often through guided eye movements. This process helps desensitize the distressing emotions attached to the memories.


Positive beliefs and coping strategies are reinforced in this phase. You replace negative self-perceptions with healthier ones to build emotional resilience.

Body scan

Your therapist guides you in noticing any residual physical tension or discomfort related to the traumatic memories, helping you release distress.


In the final phase, you review your progress and discuss any lingering concerns. The goal is to ensure you feel more stable and at ease as you complete each EMDR session.

Am I a candidate for EMDR?

If you've experienced a traumatic event or struggle with symptoms of PTSD or other trauma-related issues, EMDR may be right for you. EMDR is a flexible therapy that can be adapted to various clients and situations.

To learn more about EMDR, request an appointment at Clarity Health Solutions today. Call or book online in just a few quick moments.