
Anger Management: How Anger Affects Every Aspect of Your Life

Anger Management: How Anger Affects Every Aspect of Your Life

Everyone has daily stressors that can cause feelings of frustration and anger. However, there are cases where anger can become detrimental to your quality of life. Sometimes, it might feel like powerful feelings of anger have control over you, but that doesn’t have to be the case. Anger management could be a solution to help you live a happier life by teaching you new approaches to dealing with the anger that affects so many important aspects of life.


Mild frustration is a normal emotion. Consistent rage, on the other hand, can quickly cause problems in relationships. When you’re feeling exceptionally angry, you may lash out in a variety of ways. Angry folks may yell, fight, stay defensive or insult those around them. As such, your intimate relationships may suffer. Your partner doesn’t want to stick around if they’re always being insulted or fought with. Friends won’t choose to stay by your side in such conditions, either. Even your work relationships can be impacted by anger. Professional environments should be a welcoming atmosphere, but anger causes rifts. Morale will be lowered, communication may stop, and people often feel unsafe. There are better ways to deal with your anger than taking it out on those you see daily.

Daily Functions

If you’re always feeling enraged, it can affect your daily life, too. Small things will begin to bother you more frequently, such as other drivers on the road. According to Brauns Law, road rage is a growing concern that causes a driver to annoy, harass, injure, intimidate or obstruct other drivers and engage in other aggressive behaviors when driving. Traffic is already a challenging situation, but anger always makes it worse. A bad mood in the morning sets you up for a long and angry day. Work will be worse when you walk in with a bad attitude. You’ll spend your entire day just feeling mad about the workload, the people around you, and even the lunch you eat. When you go home and the frustration follows, that load of dirty clothes could potentially send you over the edge.

Your Health

Above all, your health can be negatively impacted when you’re always angry. For example, according to the American College of Cardiology, chronic anger is linked to heart disease. Your heart must pump extra hard to keep up with the anger in your brain. Those passionate bouts of irritation, whether you repress them or not, also raise your risk for strokes. The immune system suffers, also, and potential infection risk increases. Your mental well being can be harmed, too. It’s no surprise that increased anxiety and depression have also been linked to anger. As you find your relationships crumbling from the weight of constant anger, you may also develop low self-esteem. Fighting, too, is draining on the soul. Your health is so important, and you must care for it.

While feeling mad once in a while is normal, too much anger is harmful. Too often, it begins to control you. You don’t have to fight the battle alone, though. There are always resources available to help you take control over feelings of anger.